Stay in Touch
Here is where you can find all of Last Frontier Ministries updates on the current projects that we have, the future projects that we are entering into, and different training opportunities that are available.
Last Frontier coffee
July 29 during our 15 year and Last Frontier Ministries anniversary Last Frontier coffee will be opening up its doors. The goal for Last Frontier Coffee is to reach out to the local seasonal workers who come to work at Denali national park for the cruise lines and build relationships with them Through our pavilion area relationship strategy. Currently we have the coffee machine and grinder. We are still waiting on several pieces of equipment, but we are going to open for business for donations only so that we can start the relationship building process with the locals. We are also excited to announce that we are training barista’s currently to volunteer at LFMC
Last Frontier Ministries discipleship training school and dormitory is on its final stages of construction. Over the last several years we were able to see the construction of a 12,000 square-foot , 19 bedroom dormitory, and school be constructed for the opening school in April 2024. We are about $100,000 away from the completion of the construction and with the completion of the construction we will be able to train 32 students with the help of 15 staff members and be able to lodge and feed them there.
MINTO Mission house
We have been able to acquire land in the village of MINTO that will allow us to build a mission house for the housing of our staff members. Over the past 15 years we have been bouncing from floor to floor at different peoples houses for lodging when we go up to MINTO once a month for a week.
Once the completion of the minto house is done, our goal is to have staff members rotate in and out of the village of MINTO to stay up there for two weeks at a time. With doing this, we will be able to help with the local church in holding Sunday services midweek services youth Meetings and various discipleship programs
Minto youth center. Last Frontier Ministries has teamed up with Patrick Smith of MINTO and MINTO financial in order to renovate the old tribal lodge to use as a youth center. The village of MINTO is around 150 miles from any. Civilization. Unless a student is highly involved with basketball, there is nothing to do in the villages for students. We teamed up with MINTO financial and Flashpoint missions along with Helping Hands Alaska to see the renovation process, and everything went amazing. We are in the final stages of renovation, and we hope to open the doors of the youth center in September. This will be a safe place for the students in the village to be able to come, get food, have a safe place if their home is not stable, and Last Frontier Ministries staff members will be able to tutor them with homework to make sure that they are eligible. Within the youth center there is a theater room where we can host movie nights, and there is a great room with a pool table, dartboard, and foosball table where students can come and hang out and our staff members will be able to show them the love of Christ and speak to them about his saving power.
Rampart, Alaska
Rampart is a village of around 70 to 80 people that is 60 miles down river from the Yukon bridge on the Dalton highway. Currently rampart does not have a functioning church, as they do not even have a church building. Two Last Frontier Ministries knowledge there is only two Christian witnesses in the village of Rampart. We were approached by the chief of the village several years ago, and they asked us to come and construct a church building in the village. Our hope and goal is once we get The church building constructed we can get a star link satellite at that location so that people on Sunday mornings can come to church, and they can live stream in Last Frontier Ministries home church in Healy, Alaska. With the partnership of in his shadow ministries, the local church, our goal is to have church services every Sunday and all the villages that we working. A Last Frontier Ministries we believe that it is every persons right to have access to the word of God and to fellowship with other believers. With the advancing technology, Last Frontier Ministries is going to utilize streaming capabilities to bring believers closer together, even though the distance is far apart.

Staff housing in Healy
In the small town of Healy, that Last Frontier Ministries campus is located housing is extremely rare and difficult to come by. Because there is very little land available to the public in the area. The supply and demand drives the cost of housing through the roof. For a small 16 x 20 cabin without running water , one could expect to pay around $700 a month. Last Frontier Ministries was able to receive a generous donation to start constructing staff housing on our campus. Since 2008 when Last Frontier Ministries was burst anyone who came to staff with us whether it be for a short time or a long time either stayed with the Graham family or the Kimmel family. As our families continue to get bigger, there was less room in the house for the people to stay. With the construction of staff housing, we will be able to receive more staff members and housed them in an appropriate manner in order to accomplish all that God has planned for a Last Frontier Ministries.
As a Last Frontier Ministries continues to finish projects and as God gives us continuing vision for the ministry and Alaska we will make sure to keep the website up-to-date with all that is going on. Alaska is a enormous state with lots of villages, and God is passionately pursuing the native people and he is looking for willing individuals to say yes, and pursue them with him.