Book Rob

Hello! Here at last frontier ministries we would love to offer to come on your show and to tell you are story.
Rob Graham is Alaskan born and raised and felt a calling early on to reach out to the villages in alaska. Rob and his wife Ticee have raised their 5 children in the small town of Healy Alaska, just outside of Denali National park, where the Last Frontier Ministries campus is located. When navigating Ministry in alaska, they saw the massive job to reach out to the 231 federally recognized villages in the largest state in the union and they were thinking how is this possible,
Rob tried to get into the villages but it was very difficult because it was dangerous at the time and he had two small daughters. He continued to press on and was asking God how are we gonna get into these villages. At this time he was going into the town of Fairbanks, which is a hub for the local villages and he was preaching at the local rescue/homeless mission at the time. He and his wife were preaching the gospel for almost 2 years to native women before they would partake in a meal at the rescue mission. He was also working for an organization called Teen Mania, Ministries, and their mission side of their ministry was called global expeditions. During this time, Rob was planning on going to Panama to the Darien jungle where he was going to serve as a team leader. Just before the trip he was informed that the Costa Rica trip was overbooked and they needed another male team leader. Rob said that he would go, and as a result, he met Sam Kimmel and his wife, Chris. They stayed up many nights talking about their vision, and Rob was explaining of the need for the ministry to be expanded into the villages of Alaska. Sam would explain to him and his wife we’re heading to the Dominican republic to do missions in a clinic down there. After the trip is over Sam and Chris and prayed about it and they realized that God was calling them to Alaska to partner with a vision that Rob and ticee had for the villages of Alaska. Chris and Sam moved and partnered with Rob and Ticee in their endeavor to reach the villages in 2008.
Sam and Chris Kimmel moved to Alaska in 2008. God had brought them together and originally thought that they were going to go to the Dominican republic for ministry in a clinic. In 2006/2007 they met Rob Graham on a trip in Costa Rica and God realigned the vision that they had and it was not to go to the Dominican republic, but it was to go to Alaska to reach the villages in the interior. They opened up their home in April 2008 for Rob and Ticee to come down and for Rob to get his pilots license while they all formed the legal entity a Last frontier ministries. In July 2008. They moved up to Alaska with her daughter Miranda. Since that time they’ve had two boys Sammy, and Isaac. Since that time they have partaking in Ministry within numerous villages, but the main ones have been in Nenana minto and rampart
Since Robyn and Sam have been doing ministry in the villages, they have seen many people come to the Lord. Many people come back to the Lord. And they have disciple many believers into the faith of Jesus Christ. We have partaking in things from baptisms to funerals. It has been a blessing, working within the villages in being part of the family that is up in the interior..
if you decide to book us on our show, we will be able to come in and give amazing stories about the goodness of God and his provision for us over the last 15 years. We have fought through snow, storms, rain, and hail, and a lack of funds, all in order to get to the villages to preach the goodness of God. Once on your show, we will be able to inspire your audience with testimonies of our walk here in the interior. We have literally been sewing down trees at 79 below, cutting moves, meet up for funerals at 40 below, and hunting ducks at 85 above in the middle of the summer. We have seen testimonies of people who were just about ready to commit suicide, and because they saw our logo on the side of our vehicle come into the village they decided that that was not an option, because hope is in the village.
We have been able to have the opportunity to be on flyover conservatives, and his glory. Ministries explaining the need for missions in Alaska. We would love the opportunity to come on the air podcast and to be able to explain the difficulties and also the successes that we have had within a alaskas amazing villages, and to share this with your viewers
There are many people who go on Podcasts, who are dynamic speakers, and that is great. But being a dynamic speaker is not going to change the interior of Alaska. Do you have actions behind the words. We have the heart and the tenacity to get the work of God, done within the interior of Alaska. We cannot be defeated, and we will not quit. With that being said, we would love to come on your show, and to explain what last frontier ministries is, and what we do within the interior of Alaska and around the world.
If you would like to book us, you can reach out to Rob Graham at 907-388-8403
Ticee Graham at 907-388-7448
Sam Kimmel at 907-687-8278
Chris Kimmel at 907-687-8279